Wednesday, August 1, 2012

25 Things I Want My Husband to Know

This is a follow up post to my last entry about my heart for my almost six week old son.  God has blessed my heart so tremendously through living with and loving these two boys.  Every day I am just blown away by how sweet this life is.  So, instead of leaving either of my guys out, I am adding this post because my husband is the hardest working, most amazing man and there is no way I could ever tell him enough.

1. No Matter What the World Says, You Are a Great Man. You will never measure up to the world's standards, because you are so so much more than that.  According to society, a great man today is one whose life dedication is his job and workout routine.  I never want you to think you aren't as great as the next guy because you care way more about loving people and living the Gospel rather than keeping up with the trends.  You are a man who loves me and takes care of my heart so well that I will never have to turn to things like Magic Mike or 50 Shades of Grey to find happiness, entertainment, or satisfaction.

2. It's Okay to Be Vulnerable. Manliness does not always equal toughness.  It is a gift to my heart to truly know your heart.  I will never judge you or be mad at you for wanting to share your true feelings.  The times that I have felt closest to you are when you let your guard down and gave your heart to me completely.  There is so much value in being open and feeling things without inhibition and I love being able to share in that with you.

3. You Set the Standard For Our Son. Avery is your mini-me.  As he gets older, he is going to want to be more and more like you.  He is going to watch every single move that you make and not one thing will go unnoticed.  It is a huge responsibility of yours to set the standard high and to show him how to have a relationship with Christ.  Personally, I take a lot of joy in knowing that I get to sit back and just see you be a father.

4. I Value You as a Leader. We may be a little old fashioned compared to a lot of other families, but I love it.  There may be a lot of times that I push the limits and try to be in control, but it ministers to my heart for you to be the leader of this family.  I trust you. And through you allowing Christ to be your leader, you have never failed me as the leader of our family.  I will follow you wherever Christ is leading us. "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go, I will go and where you stay I will stay..." Ruth 1:16

5. I Do Think You're the Funniest Person I've Ever Met. I may roll my eyes a lot at the silly things you do and say, but you never fail to make me smile.  Your craziness is a refuge for me.

6. You Are Incredibly Valuable.  What you do matters.  I know your struggle so often is to think that you would be more valuable to the Kingdom if you did something of more importance.  You, however, are so far from unimportant. I think that your heart's desire to serve Christ so strongly is proof that you are going to be pleasing Him in any job that you have.  The Lord has created in you a heart that has so much to offer.  My goal as your wife is to remind you of that constantly because you truly do matter in the eyes of eternity.

7. Your Heart Is My Perfect Complement. We are so incredibly different. And I am thankful for that.  There are so many qualities in you that I admire and wish that I had.  But we have such a great dynamic as a family because we balance each other out, hold each other accountable and have an incredible amount of things to learn from each other.  There is no doubt in my heart that God created us for each other and brought us together for His glory.

8. You Are an Amazing Provider. You work so hard and sacrifice so that you can give me the most perfect gift of staying at home and raising our little angel. I am beyond thankful and humbled that you love me enough to do that.  Your hard work, dedication, and trust that God will always be our provision have allowed our family not only to survive, but thrive on one income in a time where that is looked down upon.

9. I Love Serving You.  Doing things for you makes my heart so joyful.  I consider it a gift to be able to serve you and take care of you.  I am so grateful that God has changed my heart to want to be "domestic" and has allowed me the opportunity to provide for my family in a way that I never thought I would want to.  The past couple of months have been such sweet time for me to learn to love you and our family in such a special way.

10. Praying With You Is the Greatest Thing for My Heart. I don't even think this needs an explanation.

11. I Support You. Wherever you go, whatever you choose to do, I back you up. I think you are amazing. But more importantly, I know that you are seeking God's will for yourself and for our family.

12. You Are Talented. You never cease to amaze me with how talented and intelligent you are! You are an artist on so many levels and I want everyone to know it.  But you are so humble, which amazes me even more. I admire that about you.

13. You Are Beautiful. You are absolutely the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on.  Everything about you, inside and out, takes my breath away.  No matter how attracted I am to your body, though, your heart and your spirit are the most beautiful things that I know.

14. I See Jesus in You. Your love for Christ shines in you and I know I am not the only person to notice that.  Jesus is your whole life and that is the most beautiful thing.  You see the world through the lens of the Gospel and that is something that I look up to and am trying to learn from you.  Thank you for being an example for me and for everyone that you come into contact with.

15. Some Things You Do With Our Son Scare Me to Death. Throwing Avery in the air and catching him is never not going to scare me.  I know you're going to teach him to do crazy things and y'all are going to wrestle and do stuff that could potentially give me an ulcer.  But I know boys will be boys, and I am so happy that he has you to love on him.  There are so many kids in the world that would do anything to have someone like you in their lives.

16. I Wouldn't Trade Our Life for The World. We may not be rich and we may not be fancy, but we have the best life in the whole world.  There isn't a thing in the world that we're hurting for because we have each other.  Together we have everything.

17. Laughing With You Is My Favorite Thing. Remember that one night that we laid in bed and just cracked up for the longest time? I think about it all the time and just smile.  We do some ridiculous things and have some really crazy jokes together, and they are my favorite.  Memories really do matter. And we have made some of the best.

18. You Are an Amazing Dad. You work so hard at your job, but when you come home you are all about your family.  Avery is more blessed than he will ever know to have you as a father.  You have already begun to set the stage for him even in his five and a half weeks of life.  I know we didn't plan this at all, but you have stepped up to the plate and your love as a dad helps me to be an even better mom.

19. I Love Your Flaws. I never expect you to be perfect or even close to it, but you consistently surpass my expectations.  To me, you are perfect just the way you are.  You are your biggest critic, by far.  My heart for you is that you will know how much you are worth and know that you are perfect in your imperfections and love yourself for exactly who you are.
20. I Love Our Story. We have such a ridiculous story that at one point I was sure that my heart was just going to break into a million pieces and I wouldn't survive it.  But God has been so faithful in teaching us and growing us and I know now that I would never change a thing.  We have a beautiful story.  I am so glad that we have allowed the Lord to orchestrate it instead of making things happen for ourselves.  The "five year plan" is totally overrated :) We can make it through anything.

21. You Make Me Feel Like A Terrible Cook. I know I have gotten better, but everything that you cook is wayyy better than anything I could do.  I think I've done a good job and then you make something that completely blows whatever I made out of the water.  I'm thankful that you encourage me in my domestic pursuits though :)

22. I Couldn't Do This Without You. Your spirit and encouragement keep me going when I think I can't make it.  I have been a casserole of horomones for pretty much the past year and I'm so thankful that you have loved me so well through all of my meltdowns. Your support means the world to me.

23. I Really Am Starting To Love The Things That You Love. Fantasy/Science Fiction novels, Marvel comics, Settlers of Catan, lazy Saturdays.  There are so many things I never thought I would fall in love with, but they all kind of came along with falling in love with you.  You have broadened my horizons and shown me that there are so many great things outside of the box I had put myself in.  And I think you could probably say the same things of yourself ;)

24. Watching You Interact  With Other People Makes Me Fall More In Love With You. You think fast on your feet and say the cutest, funniest, wittiest things.  You love making conversation about anything and everything.  You love people so hard.  You are so incredibly lovable and people care about what you have to say. Your heart towards others is so attractive.

25. My Heart is Completely Yours. No matter what, I will always, always love you.  Every obstacle that we come across is grounds for learning forgiveness and learning to love each other more.  After I had a life changing encounter with Jesus and gave Him my heart full on, He has entrusted it to you.  There is no man that comes anywhere close to touching you.  God has blessed me more than I could ever deserve by putting you in my life and allowing me to spend it with you.  You have always been the one that I belong with.

I have found the one my heart loves. Song of Solomon 3:4